Saturday Family Time

Yesterday was a really good day. Good enough that I feel the need to share it with you.

After having some breakfast, we loaded the dogs into the truck and headed out for a couple if different hiking spots (these were more like walking trails, but I’d rather say the word ‘hike’ because that sounds better)

The first place we stopped at was only about 20 minutes from our house: Big Hill Springs Trail. It’s short (about 2km) but it’s really pretty. Lots of spots for the dogs to jump in the water, photo ops, and some areas with a bit of an incline to really get your heart pumping.

8.11 hike

The starting spot has a bunch of picnic tables and a ton of young families were there with their human babies. Fur babies are better, so we brought them.

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After a bit of a climb, and several dips in the water, we got more into the woody area. The dogs loved it because there were tons of new smells.

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That little walk didn’t take very long at all, so we hopped back into the truck and headed over to Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park. This had more paved pathways, but it was still a nice way for us to stretch our legs and really tire the dogs out. We probably went another 4-5km through various paths here when Layla FINALLY got pooped out and wasn’t tugging on her leash.

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I really enjoyed exploring areas of these paths that are so close to our house and I think the dogs just really liked to sniff new stuff.

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We rounded out the day with some local corn and yummy burgers (we added chopped jalepenos and madagascar peppercorn cheese to the ground beef…so yummy) on the BBQ.

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What did you do this weekend??

5 thoughts on “Saturday Family Time

  1. Sounds like an awesome day! Beautiful weather for it too!! Calgary does have some nice options for the fur babies which is VERY important!

  2. Definitely a great day – I love doing outdoorsy stuff with my husband, too. I just wish we had a dog instead of a cat! I’m praying that my cat will learn to shapeshift into a dog sometime soon so I can take him hiking. 😉

  3. Looks so fun! I don’t do nearly (ok, by nearly i mean any) “hikes” or walks. Womp. so lame! I love burgers on the grill- REAL burgers- not turkey or chicken ones. YUM! I had wedding festivities all day on saturday and it was so fun! then a friend came into town and i took him to the Yard House in Fenway for dinner and drinks… Jay Z and JT were playing at Fenway so it was fun to be in the action!

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