Week in Photos

Hey guys! Happy Monday! I’m typing this on Sunday night and HOLY SH*T have I been a stress ball all day. Way too many factors have been giving me anxiety and I was just busting at the seams all day. Thank goodness I’m now sitting down and taking a peak at some of the photos I got of my handsome little dude throughout the week..

Monday: I got Wes dressed rather proper for the day. We didn’t have anything special on the agenda other than the gym and running some errands, but it sure as heck cheered me up…as well as some people we saw along the way.


(Bow tie from Will & Co)





I had to work on Monday night (ewwwwwww), but managed to make a delicious batch of homemade mac and cheese before I was off. It was freaking delicious. Freaking.


Tuesday: Again, nothing major. Went to the gym (for my mock interview), we hung around the house for the day, then I went back to the gym that night for a 10/10/10 class.


It snowed as we were leaving the house in the morning, so we hung out in the front yard for a few extra minutes so Wes could ‘play.’


(Scarf by Wild Roots & Co)



We built a chair fort in the living room and Wes discovered candy. And so it begins..


Wednesday: Wes and I ran errands to get a few little things to decorate the house with. I actually got dressed and rocked my twinning scarf that Wes also has! I get that the point is to wear them at the same time, but I march to the beat of a different drum. But seriously, check out Jordana’s shop– she’s slowly coming out with more and more items that she makes herself and they are fantastic quality.

I rounded out the day with a Hot Barre class and came home to start studying for my Fitness Instructor exam.


Thursday: I can’t remember anything other than going to the circuit bootcamp in the morning then meeting up with Susie downtown at Trolley 5 for some good ol’ conversation and beer. The conversation: GREAT. The beer: ALSO GREAT. (The ribs….not so much, but beer wins in my books!)


Friday: Took a tabata class in the AM then hung out with my man before work. A shift that was entirely sucky if I might add. I serve at a brewpub and only made $14. ARGH

This guy wore his crown all day and even jumped in his bouncy castle with it! #king



^ his face when I tell him to ‘cheese’






Saturday: I went into town to get my teeth cleaned and ran a few errands before heading back home to hang out before work. My kid is already double fisting, so it’s true that they do imitate everything you do. HA


PS: As much as I’m trying to decorate with nice pieces, my house will never look nice. There are too many toys and dogs and not enough hands or hours in the day to give a flying f&#$.

I was only at work for a few hours and managed to have a significantly better night than Friday, so that put me in a better mood.


Sunday: Didn’t consist of much. I spent most of the morning studying (and ripping my freaking hair out because of how annoying and in-depth the material is. Did I mention that I NEVER want to have to take a test for anything ever again in my life?!!! It is no fun. Zero.) Then it was time to head over to Oranj (my current gym) to have a private group class with some of the girls from the blog squad…more info and pics on that to come later this week!

And that’s just some of the goodies from the week. Chat soon!