ookpix review [+ a giveaway!]

If you follow me on social media, you might have noticed that I’ve become a bit obsessed with one of our recent family photos:


It’s not the most professional photo by any means- heck, we used Tyler’s phone to snap this because someone (me) forgot the memory card for the fancy camera. But, it’s the impromptu shoot we did before heading to Wes’s pool class and I absolutely love it. It makes me feel all homey and in love with my little family.

Let me back up just a bit and you’ll see where I’m going with this..

A while back, I saw Leigh had written a post about ookpix and I quickly looked them up and found not only were they a local company, but they offered pretty snazzy prices for custom photo books, wall art and calendars.

At that time, I was in the market to find a good company for photo books as I wanted to put one together using Wes’s newborn photos. I uploaded my photos, chose the layout and was done in a flash (ok not a flash, but considerably quicker than I anticipated which is HEAVEN for a new mom).

Once my order was placed, it only took a few short days for it to be delivered and I LOVE it.





Ummm can we just talk about how tiny he was?! Holy crap I miss it.

I was so happy with the product, I contacted the awesome people over at ookpix and sang them my praises. They were so pleased with the feedback, they offered to give me a 20×30 canvas…..which I GLADLY accepted. So can you guess which photo I chose???


I had to. I already ordered some prints of our wedding, maternity shoot and newborn shoot for the gallery wall I’m planning in our master bedroom, so I knew this would be the perfect photo to use.

The canvas is nice and sturdy and the resolution is phenomenal. It’s the first canvas for me and I couldn’t be more happy with how it turned out! And I had the perfect place for it..



At the end of our hall! I’ve been toying with the idea of adding a small shelf underneath it, so we’ll see how that goes.

Here’s where the going gets good–> the people over at ookpix have generously offered to give one of YOU a 20×30 canvas too! Entries are in the rafflecopter below. Giveaway is open to anyone (at the time of my initial correspondence I was advised that winners outside of Canada would only have to pay shipping, and if the winner was in Canada, it would be free of charge. However, it appears on their site that shipping is now charged in Canada, so I will get back to you on that!)

Update: free shipping for Canadian winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!!

19 thoughts on “ookpix review [+ a giveaway!]

  1. I have some photos from various vacations I’d want to try turning onto canvas. I’d have to play around and see which looked best in that size. Awesome giveaway!

  2. I’d probably get one of Quinn smiling. I’d really like to get some family photos done but don’t have enough $ right now! Gah

  3. I would use it for a photo of London and I that I took in the River Valley last month. It was also taken with my Iphone but it was an impromptu shoot and one of the photos is one of my current favourites. Plus, we’re both wearing plaid and plaid is cute.

  4. I’m sure that one of the bazillion photos of our cats would look great in a big canvas. Certainly not the one of me running, with both feet off the ground caught in slo-mo video today, oh no. But can you guess what I’m going to blog about?

  5. This giveaway could not have come at a better time. I’ve been wanting to hang a large canvas print of my family and I for a long time, but they are expensive and it hasn’t been in the budget. This would be perfect for me. Here’s hoping!

  6. Pingback: Christmas Weekender | nutcaseinpoint

  7. Turned out great! I think I would get one of the photos from my photo session with Liam this fall. I love Canvas’s and have a few of them already. I’m running out of space on my walls.

    I tried making Liam’s baby book recently (only a few years late) with Ookpix and they missed the whole last page of the book. I’m still waiting for them to fix it.

  8. Ooh I love the photo you chose! Who cares that it was taken with an iPhone – it’s a sign of the times, I say!

    I’m not sure what photo I would choose…probably one from our little pit stop at Head Smashed in Buffalo jump in the fall, or maybe one from my weekend in Waterton!

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