Christmas Weekender

Hi friends! Long time, no talk. I totally lost track of time with the holidays and here we are- back on a Monday with a little catch up from the past few days.

BUT FIRST….Just a reminder to enter my giveaway for a FREE 20×30 custom canvas photo print! It ends Tuesday, so you NEED to enter- it’s super easy, so why not?!!


Ahhhh Christmas. So many presents! Wes is one spoiled little boy. And I was so excited to share some traditions with him for his first holiday season.





One of the MANY gifts my mom sent for Wes was a cloth book and the kid was OBSESSED with it for a good 3 days. More for the putting it in the mouth than the reading it, but I’ll still call that a success.


He also got a stuffed animal (and college $$) from my godparents that he gnawed on for an entire afternoon. The bunny…not the $$. šŸ˜‰


I managed to pick up some art supplies as Michael’s amongst all the Christmas shopping craziness and did 3 sets of green footprints to commemorate Xmas 2015.


Tyler came home early from work on Xmas Eve and surprised me with some hard root beer. YAY! It was really good. PS: We had a super ‘festive’ Christmas Eve by having tacos for dinner and watching Sicario after Wes went to bed. Feliz Navidad?!


…but starting the tradition of reading The Night Before Christmas before bed!


Christmas was nice and quiet for us…we didn’t finish opening presents until 11:30am! Some photos to do the talking:











Xmas jammies!





Santa brought Wes a wagon full of goodies and he dove right into them as soon as we got up in the morning. Surprisingly, he loves that wooden toys the best! And my mom got him the elf jammies šŸ™‚

And then there were the other billionty gifts- clothes, toys, clothes, toys….SO MANY CLOTHES AND SO MANY TOYS.

Redirecting the attention to me: Tyler spoiled me rotten AGAIN this year. Not only did he get me everything (minus the subscription service) on my wish list, but he got me MORE- a waffle maker, mandolin slicer, bath bombs, bio oil, lulu gift card… seems like there’s so much!

My favorite favoriteĀ favoriteĀ gift was his take on my request for a personalized gift from Wes– a Tiffany’s cuff bracelet with Wes’s initials engraved! So precious.


We had a delicious steak dinner and called it a night! I had a wonderful first Christmas as a family of three (or….five. The dogs were spoiled beyond belief with treats treats treeeeeats). I am psycho and did a workout in the basement after Wes went to sleep while we also watched a few episodes of Longmire. Psycho in the sense that I just wanted toĀ move a bit since it was too cold to walk the dogs!


Saturday:Ā It was another slow morning- Elmo had it a bit rough.

We meandered over to Home Depot and scored some Christmas decorations on clearance and some other odds and ends around the house. Wes officially prefers to be carried in the Ergo over the stroller which makes for an interesting way of attempting to drink coffee šŸ˜‰

I took the dogs for a long afternoon walk then we Skyped Tyler’s family so Wes could meet his cousin!



We had chicken parm for dinner and Tyler got me yet another beer to enjoy (which I did).

After Wes went to sleep, we watched The Walk and headed to bed.

Sunday:Ā Only one photo from the day, but I think it’s a pretty decent one:


I put my new waffle maker to use and made a batch of buttermilk waffles and they were. THE.BEST.

Tyler was a doll and pretty much gave me a day for myself because I was able to head over to the mall (BIG MISTAKE…the crowds!!!! Arghhhhh). I returned some stuff and used a gift card for a few pairs of the best leggings EVER from Old Navy (pics soon, I am currently typing this in my jammies in the basement and watching Girlfriends Guide to Divorce. My newĀ favoritest show.)

I rounded out the afternoon with a workout, walked the dogs, and sushi for dinner.

Man. What a week. And what’s even better- Tyler’s off from workĀ this week!

How was your Christmas? Best gift? Any good eats? Family traditions?

15 thoughts on “Christmas Weekender

  1. I can’t handle the cuteness of Wes’s elf jammies!! love it! So happy to hear you had such a great Christmas- Tyler does spoil you šŸ™‚ but you deserve it! I can’t wait until next year when we aren’t saving for a wedding šŸ˜‰

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