April Food Pen Pal Reveal Day

So, I participated in the Foodie Pen Pal Program again this month.



Sorry, this post is going to be short and to the point since I am in a terrible frame of mind. 

BUT, I wanted to make sure I posted on the designated day so that I could show all of you want my pen pal this month, Roxanne, got for me!

All of the treats were from Newfoundland, and I was really excited to go through everything once I opened the box!



Heck, she even packaged it all pretty.



Some peppermints and salt water taffy (I had a previous foodie pen pal who was also from Newfoundland and sent me the taffy and I LOVED it) I really had to restrain myself this time by hiding the bag away once I ate a few pieces.



I am totally planning on using this box of ginger snaps to make as a crust for a future dessert. I have a few ideas in mind, but I won’t be making it until we finish the batch of CAKE BATTER BLONDIES I recently threw together (OMG they are so good, and I will be posting that recipe soon!)


Moose Droppings (chocolate covered jujubes) and rum flavored coffee. I haven’t got into the droppings yet, but I also plan on using the coffee for future batches of baked oatmeal and/or energy balls. YUM!

Thank you so much Roxanne for this month’s package!

If you are interested in participating, check out all the info on Lindsay’s blog.

Monday Moves #4

This week, I have FOUR moves to share with you. As always, I am going to apologize in advance for the terrible pictures. I have Tyler take these on Sunday nights and I am anything but glamorous…especially on a Sunday….and especially on a Sunday after 7pm. But I do these to give you an idea as to how each exercise works (links to existing video demonstrations can get tedious and annoying!) I find it funyy that I am taking exercise photos while I am sporting a pub crawl t-shirt. Also, if anyone wants to come over and paint that back room, be my guest. Poop brown isn’t my favorite. Onto the exercises!

1. Singe Leg squat with hamstring extension


-You don’t HAVE to hold an object (i.e. weight or med ball or whatever) but I find it helps me concentrate on my balance.

-Keeping one foot planted, extend the other leg in front of you, as you lower your body into a squat. If you are a beginner at this, you might not go very low (but hey, it’s something to work on!) Just remember to not let the anchoring knee go beyond the toes. When squatting, I always remember what one of my high school volleyball coaches told us: “don’t poop in the canoe.” Basically, it was the funny way of telling us to get our butts back and low.

– As you come up from the squat, bend your extended knee (first picture)

– Oh, and try holding that position…if you dare. You have no idea how much my tush was screaming when I had to wait for the dang flash to go off on the camera.

2. Arnold Press


-Start with weights at shoulder height with palms facing your body.

-As you extend the weights overhead, rotate your wrists so that they will be facing away from your body and the top of the press.

-return to start.

3. Pass Through Lunge


-WARNING: I will probably suck at explaining this one.

– Start with feet together, holding object in front of you

-Staking a step back with your left leg (left reverse lunge), pass the object under your right leg (passing it from the inside to the outside of your body)

-Come up from the reverse lunge (without touching your foot down at the start position) and immediately raise your knee so that object can circle back around as you pass it going right to left)

– Continue this exercise in a fluid motion until you have reached your desired reps. By not touching your lunging leg back to the start position, you are working on your core and balance!

4. The “X” Plank


-WARNING: I will suck at explaining this one, too.

-Grab light to medium weights. Place weights on the outside of both hands when in a plank position.

-With your left hand, grab the left weight and move the weight across your body, placing it just under your right hip (Remember: try not to rotate your hips and torso when performing this exercise, as it tests your core strength!)

– Repeat with the right weight, bringing it under the left hip. Return hands to regular plank position.

-Retrieve weights, and bring them back to their starting positions.


Hopefully these all make sense, but as always- let me know if you have any questions!

I incorporated these into my workout last night, along with some stationary cardio and TRX training, and I was SWEATY.

Question: Any moves you have been LOVING lately?

Exercise and Eats: Week of 4/29

Hi everyone! When I was out running errands this morning, I thought to myself “the only thing that is making this Monday good is the fact that it’s not snowing.” And sure enough, now that I’m home and just sat down to share the first post of the week with you, I see that it is snowing outside. That is no bueno.

Now Monday just sucks. I have been in an emotional ditch as of late which is B-A-D. I need Vitamin D in the form of sunshine like you have no idea. Also, I need for this wedding to be over, for a formal job offer to happen, and perhaps maybe even just a vacation under my belt. 

Onto current things for the week, hence the post title!

A recap of last week’s eats:

Monday: Chicken and veggie omelettes



Tuesday: Pulled Pork tacos 



Wednesday: Chicken Burrito (I didn’t feel like cooking since my workout ran later than planned, so I picked this baby up at Mucho Burrito. Note to self: Stop getting burritos because they make me sick for 24 hours. Without fail.)



Thursday: Hot Dogs (again, just didn’t feel like cooking. I ended up tearing off most of the bun since it was HUGE.)



Friday: Chicken and veggie kabobs



On tap for this week:

  • Monday: Portobello Pizzas
  • Tuesday: Quinoa ‘fried’ rice
  • Wednesday: Baked burritos
  • Thursday: baked chicken w/broccoli salad
  • Friday: Noodle Bowls

Now onto the exercise part of the post. I did AWESOME this week (with the exception of Thursday where I half-assed it at the gym. I was entirely too exhausted, but proud of myself for at least trying!)

Here’s what happened last week:

Sun, 4/21: CBC kix and strength circuits at home DONE

Mon, 4/22: Best Body Bootcamp Strength Workout A, 30 min run, 10 min row DONE

Tues, 4/23: 60 min run DONE


Wed, 4/24: BBB Strength Workout B, 40 min spin, 10 min row 20 min spin DONE


Thurs, 4/25: 40 min run, 20 min spin Full Body strength exercises, 15 min row DONE

Fri, 4/26: BBB Strength Workout C, 20-20-20 (spin, row, run) DONE



On tap for this week:

Sun, 4/28: 1 hour hike with Tyler and the pups, full body strength/cardio at home

Mon, 4/29: Best Body Bootcamp Strength Workout A, 30 min run, 10 min row

Tues, 4/30: 60 min run

Wed, 5/1: BBB Strength Workout B, 20-20-20 (spin, row run)

Thurs, 5/2: 30 min spin, ab tabatas

Fri, 5/3: BBB Strength Workout C, 30 min run, 10 min row

Fingers crossed this new week of workouts gets me out of this bad mood slump!

Your Turn: Any exciting recent eats you’ve made at home? Favorite workout?? I wanna know!!

Stuff on the Internets

1. I love carbs. A lot. And when I try to limit them in my diet, guess what? I gain weight and feel terrible? Because my body is all “hey, broccoli is great and all, but add it will some pasta and we’ll all be happy”. This article is actually pretty funny. It lists some of the best carbs out there (don’t hate me, but I am not a french fry person. yuck)

2. Speaking of carbo loading, how about this recipe for loaded nacho burgers? I’ll totally eat that…then probably throw back a few brewskis. Might as well.

**Side note: I just talked with my caterer and because in addition to a full bar, we are having two draft beers. She gave me the list to choose from, and it’s just too hard to pick ONLY TWO!!!!!!

3. Whoa. So there’s a guy suing a gym for having ‘women’s only’ hours. CRAZY! Now that I belong to a gym that has two sides (with separate entrances..only connected through the women’s locker room) I can really see how women’s workouts can be improved without men around. Of course, on the women’s only side, there are some male trainers, but it still allows women to be in a comfortable environment free from men’s grunting and groaning and walking around with puffed chests and tank tops. I still work out in both sides (depending on machine/equipment availability) but I love that they offer women the choice. Heck, if it keeps women active..why not?!!

4. Intimate Gymnastics? Aka: the girl can lift a 30 lb kettlebell with her LADY BITS? I’ll stick to cross training, thanks.

5. A recipe for Kale Pesto. Totally trying this. I have only bought kale once to make kale chips.

6. Hey, remember Anne Geddes? You know, the lady that takes these pics?




Well, check out some of the Adult-Only Anne Geddes inspired photographs. You’ll get a laugh.

7. 10 Outrageous Chocolate combinations. I’ll stick with the stuff on its own, thanks.

Winesday Wednesday: 4/24

YES!! I finally Winesday Wednesday again! I had yet another interview today so wine is definitely needed this evening. I stopped by the liquor store on my way home and picked up a new-to-me red that I’m thinking I’m gonna really like. But, there’s loads more to share from what some of you have submitted.


PLUS–this week I am adding some other stuff to spice up this weekly post! Wine not. hahah

So here’s what we’ve got for submissions this week:

Kristin @kcorey320 (instagram) sent in a yummy cocktail, saying: “My dad’s famous Mai Tai ‘The Real Tom Collins’ sent all the way from Boston! Enjoyed it with some homemade guac and multigrain chips!!”

-I’ve had several of his famous mai tais and yes, they’re DELICIOUS.



Katie @kepotts (Instagram) posted this photo last night, saying “Had to bust out the #BigGuns after the day I had! Reporting for #winesdaywednesday”

-Hope it helped, Katie! (it would for me!!!)



Chelsea @RunnerGirlChels (twitter) hit me up with a nice Malbec pic, saying it was perfect for a bold red!



Athena @fitnessandfeta (Instagram) posted a beer pic! Her beer of choice for the weekend that went well with her pizza.

-Hefe Weizen is yum yum!



Ashley P posted a photo on Facebook of some celebration wine. (Personally, I always think there’s something to celebrate..so there should always be wine)



Keith sent in yet another one of his fabulous sounding wines. With this one, he wrote: “Normally I love me a nice red, but tonight we were in the mood for a white. This is about 6 months in the bottle. Very smooth and light, with a faint effervescence that dances on the tongue. There’s a bit of pear and apricot.”

-holy moly, that sounds delicious!



My mama found a BOX of wine. Now that’s what I’m talking about! hahaha

She said it was smooth, light and flavorful



She also sent me a pic of this AWESOME bottle/glass contraption that reads “if you pour it, they will come” I totally need one of these. Or like a dozen of these.



Lastly.. me! I had a nice glass of Seaglass Sauv Blanc! They just started carrying it at the liquor store nearby and it was a great surprise. Tyler and I discovered this wine when we were staying at a B&B in the Berkshires, and I had been on the hunt for it ever since.



Now for further drinking entertainment:




I sent this clip to Katie, and it’s really too good not to share with the rest of you:

click here for the clip

Before I sign off, I must include the link to a recipe I know I’M going to try super soon, and it might spark your fancy as well: Coconut Vanilla Bellinis. Do it. Then send me a pic.

That’s all for this week! If you want in for next week’s post, email me at jtougas77(at)gmail(dot)com, tweet me @nutcaseinpoint with hashtag #winesdaywednesday, post to my facebook page, or Instagram a pic and include the hashtag #winesdaywednesday and me, @nutcaseinpoint.